When picking through the odds and ends in a corner of the Grover House, I came across a set of prints that were issued by the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater in 1979. They were a reissued and updated version of the 1845 William Wade panorama of the Hudson River between the Battery and Albany. Wade… Read more »
In high school I was introduced to the concept of Deus ex Machina, the Mechanical God. It is a sudden plot twist or introduction of some fortuitous often irrational coincidence that is needed to make the story work. Once I became aware of the concept, it ruined many a story for me because the story… Read more »
By a weird coincidence my sister, Annemarie, came across this story that my father, Henk van Hemmen, wrote on Veteran’s Day in 2004. “Liberty” Meats Looking into the history of warfare and battle ground victories it is a well-known fact that in general terms, the army that is well-fitted out and well-fed will have a tremendous… Read more »
Recently we were contacted by the son of a past client of Martin & Ottaway from the 1960’s and 1970’s. Our client, Clifford Barbour, along with William Ottaway and others were all involved in the sale of the “Patria” in 1966 from the Dominican Republic, and her subsequent renovation and reconditioning and renaming as the “Antarna.”… Read more »