Category: marine

Maritime Marijuana is Just Different

  I was called out on a survey. Waiting for the vessel to come alongside some snow started to fall and it provided an interesting atmosphere for some nice moody maritime pictures. Some people like 9 to 5 and others cannot deal with the same schedule every day. I like the mix of the two… Read more »

Trip and Tow by the Ancient Merchant Marine

During the 2003 Gulf War there was a desperate search for biological and chemical weapons, and other stored military equipment.  Soon there were press conferences where military PR officers were talking about finding weapons caches. But from day one they pronounced it as cashays (ca·chet, /kaˈSHā/) That meant they were looking for fashionable weapons, or… Read more »

The Mechanics of a Tank Barge Explosion

If there is a marine explosion, chances are Martin & Ottaway gets a call. An explosion investigation is hard work and requires a huge amount of data collection. It can be an exhausting and often confusing task. Today there are great tools to quickly build a model, but even with the best tools (drones, laser… Read more »

Martin & Ottaway RSA Call Out: Long Beach, CA

By: Chris Law On August 28, 2013 a tanker was lying at anchor off the port of Long Beach, CA and experienced a breach of the shell plate above the waterline in way of the No. 6P water ballast tank following allision with another vessel. Donjon-SMIT is the nominated OPA-90 resource provider in the Vessel… Read more »