Category: mariners

Maritime Marijuana is Just Different

  I was called out on a survey. Waiting for the vessel to come alongside some snow started to fall and it provided an interesting atmosphere for some nice moody maritime pictures. Some people like 9 to 5 and others cannot deal with the same schedule every day. I like the mix of the two… Read more »

Trip and Tow by the Ancient Merchant Marine

During the 2003 Gulf War there was a desperate search for biological and chemical weapons, and other stored military equipment.  Soon there were press conferences where military PR officers were talking about finding weapons caches. But from day one they pronounced it as cashays (ca·chet, /kaˈSHā/) That meant they were looking for fashionable weapons, or… Read more »

Whack the Whac-A-Mole Safety Approach

Capt. Terry Ogg published a thoughtful article on safety culture and training on Linkedin. The title is “Why it’s time to deep-six our current safety culture,” but within the article he provides an even better meme: The Whac-a-Mole Safety Game. The meme explains the tendency to simply hit at every possible human error that occurs and… Read more »

Exxon Valdez? Enough Already.

My sister, Annemarie, who, as an ex tall ship sailor, has good salty connections sent me the words to this famous chantey. So here we go:   What’ll we do with a drunken sailor (3x) Earl-aye in the morning? Hooray and up she rises (3x) Early-aye in the morning Shave his belly with a rusty… Read more »

The US Maritime Industry, The Rodney Dangerfield Of World History

The Maritime Industry is the single most important driver for the world as we know it today. Before maritime commerce was established, trade consisted of horses and carts on bad roads, and since horses and carts can only move limited amounts of product trade was inherently deeply restricted. Before sailing ships, it was impossible to… Read more »