Donjon-SMIT OPA-90 Training Day

December 08, 2011 Donjon Marine Co. Inc., HQ in Hillside NJ hosted the latest in the Donjon-SMIT, OPA-90 Salvage and Marine Fire Fighting (SMFF) network Captain of the Port Zone (COTPZ) training drills. The drill was attended by PRONAV Flex Crew fire fighting first response individuals, Donjon-SMIT, SMIT Salvage Americas and Martin & Ottaway RSA.

The day began with a dynamic presentation on OPA-90 SMFF requirements, followed by a tour of Donjon Marine Co.’s Port Elizabeth facility and resources. The second half of the day was devoted to a breakout and familiarization session of the custom fire-fighting equipment containers that would be shipped to a fire-fighting casualty response.

The containers demonstrated are highly customized (yet standard dimension) air-freight containers, specifically acquired and developed by Donjon-SMIT for efficient transportation to casualty sites and pack an incredible amount of high quality fire-fighting equipment. The container inventory has been developed and evolved through responses to numerous casualties worldwide and includes a vital array of metric and S.I. adaptors and couplings that facilitate equipment use regardless of geographical location and facility interface.

One of the two equipment containers

After “suiting-up” in the personal fire suits and breathing apparatus the attending PRONAV Flex Crew members stated how impressed they were with the quality, suitability and quantity of the equipment that would be available to them in the event of a casualty response.

PRONAV Flex Crew Members (and the author back left) in the Donjon-SMIT personal fire fighting suits