The speed at which an insurance claim is paid is often related to the quality of the presentation of that claim to the underwriters.
Martin & Ottaway has been preparing insurance claims for ship owners for over 100 years and prepares claims for some of the world’s largest ship owners.
Our staff has functioned as past chairman of the Association of Average Adjusters, a professor at the College of Insurance and a senior executive of a major Classification society. This wealth of experience allows for a unique rapport with the underwriting world.
In general, the best approach to an insurance-related incident is to contact a consultant at the earliest opportunity. An assured, who does not immediately retain an experienced consultant, often is faced with entangled insurance claims at a later stage. While less than optimal, even after the claim has become entangled, after investigating such matters, the firm can still develop an approach that often results in recovery of the claim for the client.
Martin & Ottaway presents unrepaired damage claims on a regular basis. An interesting feature of claim presentations is that the underwriter generally pays for the costs involved in the presentation of the claim, which includes the consultant’s fees and expenses.
In addition to hull and machinery claims, the firm also has vast experience in providing assistance in liability or general average situations. The proper action in the initial stages of such situations can greatly reduce a cargo or ship owner’s later exposure.
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