Utility Level Wave Energy Conversion
Wave Energy Converter (WEC) designs have not yet reached the level of acceptance that has been achieved with solar panels and wind turbines. SurfWEC is a novel WEC approach to wave energy conversion invented by Mike Raftery.
The SurfWEC concept is the first WEC approach that is commercially viable for the generation of utility level electric power from ocean waves due the high kinetic energy input to the power takeoff system using a shoaling feature.
SurfWEC units are designed to create optimal surf waves offshore for WEC applications. By creating optimal surf waves with maximum steepness before breaking, SurfWEC units cause waves to input 100 times as much kinetic energy into surface floats as in typical offshore wave conditions. This is accomplished by enabling the surface floats to have average speeds 10 times faster than in typical offshore wave conditions.
SurfWEC units also have a storm avoidance feature.
When waves exceed 3 meters-high, the submerged platform is lowered near the seafloor to reduce wave loads on the platform. When waves exceed 4 meters-high, the surface float bilges are flooded and the float is lowered below the surface to reduce wave loads on the entire system.

SurfWEC LLC is a partnership of Martin & Ottaway and other industry experts that is advancing the development of the SurfWEC concept. We are one of the partners in the Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology (GPOWET) pronounced (Jeep-o-wet). Our GPOWET partner, the Stakeholder Forum hosts the GPOWET website: https://stakeholderforum.org/2020/01/12/the-global-partnership-for-ocean-wave-energy-technology/
The GPOWET mission is to enable wave energy conversion technologies to be commercially viable anywhere on the global ocean where wave climates have sufficient power, water depths are sufficient for units to remain fully operational during hurricanes and typhoons, and there are no restrictions from other marine stakeholders which would cause a project to disrupt their use of the project location.
The GPOWET vision is to lead the human race away from dependence on fossil fuels using renewable power sources such as solar, wind, tidal, currents, and ocean surface waves.
SurfWEC LLC’s short term goals are:
- 1. Refining the technical design and economic model with technology partners
2. Using a big tent approach, based in New Jersey, USA with a global reach
3. Spreading the message in the present sustainable industry field
4. Identifying investing, government, technology and utility partners
SurfWEC’s ultimate goal is to rapidly scale up to utility level power generation to provide sustainable electrical power in a solar, wind and wave triad.
For further information contact Rik van Hemmen at rhemmen@martinottaway.com
Information Resources:
1 An Update on Large Scale Wave Energy Conversion 3 Sep 2019
2 Wave Focusing Technologies – Nov 2019
- 3 Is This the Right Time for Large Scale Wave Energy Conversion?
- 4 US Patent 8093736 B2
- 5 Harnessing Ocean Surface Wave Energy to Generate Electricity
6 Waves of Change – A Working Paper for the United Nations Ocean Conference 2020
1.Replacing Fossil Fuels with Ocean Wave Power
2.So What does it Mean to have a 1000 MW Wave Farm Offshore?
1.Marine Technology News – 1 May 2019
Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology: