The firm’s involvement with yachts generally deals with issues related to the construction, maintenance and repair of very large luxury yachts or with major damage issues. In addition, our expertise extends to chartering disputes, builder warranty issues, structural issues and personal injuries or repairers’ negligence issues.
Martin & Ottaway has investigated and testified on insurance fraud, performed repair and salvage estimates, and consulted on yacht construction and design procedures. The firm also has extensive experience with osmotic blistering, electrolytic corrosion on aluminum yachts, specialty coatings and planing hull behavior.
In many aspects ferries are a blend of yacht and cruise vessel characteristics. Ferries are driven by commercial considerations, but use systems that are more similar to large yachts. Martin & Ottaway has provided services to the ferry industry similar to those provided with cruise vessels and yachts.
Particularly in the last few decades Martin & Ottaway has become a leading consultant in fast ferry design, upgrade, operations and accident investigations.
Cruise Vessels:
Martin & Ottaway has a varied background in cruise ship construction, conversion, maintenance, repair, operations and financing.
The firm’s experience includes ocean-going cruise ships, casino game ships, coastal and river cruise vessels, diving excursion vessels and even the occasional sternwheeler. Experts on staff are fully conversant with the special requirements in the cruise industry, such as the strict scheduling requirements, image sensitivity and passenger safety regulations.
Projects undertaken include technical evaluation of refurbishment proposals, life extension and refinancing surveys for financial institutions, assisting ship owners with builder’s and repairer’s negligence claims and assisting underwriters in personal injury claims.
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