“Systems Design for Meeting New and Existing International Regulations”
Author: Rik van Hemmen
Presented at the SNAME 2012 Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island
M&O’s involvement in marine environmental issues has resulted in a steady flow of technical papers that analyze and improve on the state of the art. This paper goes one step further and looks at the shipboard environmental engineering problem at a systems level.
The paper explores the issues that occur when there is a lack of operational data and shows that a lack of operational data results in confusion on a monumental scale.
The paper makes specific recommendations at the ship operator/crew level and at the IMO level to provide convergence on environmental regulation and operational practice development. This process is called QESTH (Quality Environmental Safety Training and Health) and builds upon the HQSE system concepts.
To download the full paper click this link: Systems_Design_for_Meeting_New_and_Existing_International_Regulations