For up to date News go to the blog page.
Long lived companies exist not because they are old, but because they know how to leverage new technology developments. This page is a tribute to change as it occurs in our world. When we designed this website in 2011, it was a natural development of our newsletters which we started in 1995 and our static website that we developed soon after we started publishing the newsletter. For this new website we thought we would issue newsletters on-line and developed this news-events page for this purpose. However, by the time the website was up, new technical and web developments showed that our blog page was really more useful in explaining M&O’s varied mission and expertise. As such, this page is now a historical page that provides access to our old newsletters and shows the news items that we were working with when this website was new. For up to date info on M&O go to our blog page and, if you enjoy it, do not hesitate to click the buttons in the upper right hand corner to become a Linked-In or RSS feed follower.