Two New Partners for Martin & Ottaway

In 2025 Martin & Ottaway will have been in operation for 150 years. The longevity of the company has always relied on the inclusion of young talent to facilitate efficient leadership succession (With regard to young talent, it is noted that Francis S. Martin was 25 years old when he founded the company).

Two of Martin & Ottaway’s junior engineers have shown the talent and initiative to be part of the next generation and were recently made junior partners in the Firm.

Kyle Antonini joined the company in 2016 after working for Schlumberger in oil services and Tomer Chen joined the company in 2019 after completing his Masters Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.

By coincidence, Kyle and Tomer are both University of Michigan engineering graduates even though they came to work at Martin & Ottaway through unique and independent routes.

The company’s three senior partners, Rik van Hemmen, David Tantrum, and Pierce Power have no immediate thoughts of retirement, and very much welcome the opportunity to coach and include young talent in the day-to-day management of the company.

Besides their continued work as marine consultants, Kyle and Tomer will take on various management and strategic projects. Among their partner tasks is the management of the M&O intern program, which has provided professional development for dozens of university and high school interns over the last decades.

The rapid pace of maritime technical innovation provides a bright future for the company, and one of the goals of Martin & Ottaway is continued recruitment of talented marine professionals like Kyle and Tomer to meet the challenges of rapid innovation.