Ad Hoc Wrap-up

“Remarks on Oily Water Separators”

Author:  Rik van Hemmen

Published:  2006

Presented to Connecticut Maritime Association

This is the text of a presentation at the Connecticut Maritime Association.  It was supposed to be a summary of OWS developments but, as often happens, by the time the comments were on paper it had become something slightly different.  It does describe the state of the art of OWS systems in 2006, but it also defines an important concept in engineering, the “Dutch Uncle.”  You do not have to be Dutch to be a Dutch Uncle.  Anybody can be a Dutch Uncle and calling a horse a horse is vital in engineering development.

To download the full paper click this link:  Remarks_on_Oily_Water_Separators

For an excellent discussion on concepts of Dutch in English go to the DISSING_THE_DUTCH