Anti Antifouling Clause Discussion

“The Anti Antifouling Clause Argument”

Author:  Rik van Hemmen

Presented at the New York City Marine Insurance Day seminar on October 10, 2014

The antifouling clause has been drifting through marine insurance policies for decades, if not centuries. Underwriters often have separated antifouling coating from the insured components aboard a ship. This may have made sense at one time, but today with more sophisticated (and environmentally friendlier) antifouling systems these exclusions may not be reasonable or fair.

With assistance from intern John Conklin, Rik van Hemmen provided a short presentation on the subject at the New York City Marine Insurance Day seminar on October 10, 2014.

To download the text click: The_Anti_Antifouling_Clause_Argument

To download the associated powerpoint presentation click: New_Antifouling_Systems