“Call Them As You See Them”
Author: Henk van Hemmen
Published: October 1, 1998
The Association of Average Adjusters of the United States and Canada is a society of average adjusters and professionals that interact with average adjusters such as underwriters, admiralty attorneys and marine surveyors.
Only licensed average adjusters can be full members and all others are associate members. However, the Association has a unique tradition of rotating the chairmanship between full members and associate members. This creates a uniquely open forum that benefits the marine insurance industry as a whole.
In 1997 Henk van Hemmen was elected chairman of the Association. At the completion of his term the chairman (or chairwoman) addresses the Association on a topic of their choice. Henk van Hemmen named his address “Call Them As You See Them” and boldly laid out the duties and qualifications of a surveyor with regard to the marine industry.
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