“Initial Recommendations for Bilge Oily Water Separator System Design and Operation”
Author: Rik van Hemmen
Published: March 2006
Presented initially in February 2006 at ASNE MEETS Symposium, Crystal City, VA
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers‘ hidden gem is its Technology and Research Panel system. This system allows engineers to evaluate emerging technologies or to discuss emerging issues in the profession.
In early 2000, based on M&O’s involvement in oily water separator (OWS) criminal prosecutions, Rik van Hemmen proposed to SNAME that it was time for the Society to take a closer look at the OWS technology issues. The SNAME Ad Hoc panel on OWS mounted a massive effort to come closer to the engineering truth about this subject, and this paper is the result of input provided by dozens of engineers on the subject.
This paper is probably the most complete description of the OWS system and was widely reprinted in slightly modified formats, including in the Indian Journal of Marine Engineering and the Baltic Exchange journal.
To download the full paper click this link: Initial_Recommendations_for_Bilge_Oily_Water_Separator_System_Design_and_Operation